Our school hours are 7:30am – 2:30pm.
Students may be dropped off at 7:15am and wait on the playground with their classmates.
Students start to enter the building at 7:30.
Students will be marked absent after 7:45am.
Lunch is $3.25* and breakfast is $1.90, which includes a milk in that price. Students can order juice or water for an additional cost.
Adult lunches are $4.85.
Breakfast is served from 7-7:40am every morning.
Your child is assigned a lunch number and this is how they are charged. Payments to your child’s lunch account can be made at any time through the EduTrak Online Management System. You will be emailed when your child’s lunch balance is getting low.
A link to the monthly calendar with our daily breakfast and lunch menu is posted at the top of our website.
* Students in 4th grade and above may order a double entrée for $1.50.
Our goal is to maintain class sizes of approximately 25 students per class (20 for preschool).
We offer a variety of extracurricular activities which include both athletics and activities.
All Saints has volleyball for girls in grades sixth through eighth and basketball for boys and girls in grades sixth through eighth.
We offer a variety of activities which can be viewed here.
We offer a variety of technology resources which include a one-to-one ratio of Chromebooks to students. For our STEM programs and computer science curriculum, we use a variety of resources which include iPads and Osmo kits for our elementary students and Z-Space curriculum for our middle school students.
All grade levels include a daily curriculum of reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies and religion. Students rotate special classes on a three-day basis which include physical education, music and art. Enrichment classes are on a six-day rotation for kindergarten through fifth grade students. A student’s typical day varies by grade level.
Copyright © 2025 All Saints Catholic School. All rights reserved.